Exploring Homecomings, Cookies, History, and Democratic Advocacy Abroad

This week’s edition covers stories from February 15th, 2024 to February 21st, 2024. Today’s issue is 750 words, a 6–minute read. Isabella talks NewPrensa updates, Girl Scout Cookie finder, Minnesota Daily’s piece on Black History Month, the Basilica Block Party, and Mexico Pink March for Democracy Buenos días mi gente!  Isabella here, back from my South American adventure and feeling rejuvenated to be back […]

Northeast Minneapolis’ Golden Kernel: Oro

by Isabella Silva-Biotti Tantalizing bites took place at Nixta’s Oro, the ultimate counter service masa kitchen. From the countertops to the staffs’ black and gold aprons, the Mexican golden cuisine follows you everywhere you go.  The room carries a light and easygoing energy as the restaurant plays with a variety of yellow and brown tones […]