Tracks, Translations, and Tacky Tributes
This week’s edition covers stories from May 16th to May 22nd, 2024. Today’s issue is 917 words, an 8–minute read. Hi hi, it’s Ebe! Ah, it’s great to be back in the muggy and stormy Midwest! Nothing like the ear-piercing sounds of tornado sirens going off at a Target parking lot to make you feel like you’re home. I just returned from […]
While The Summer is Still Here
This week’s edition covers stories from August 3rd to August 9th, 2023. Isabella talks National Museum of Mexican Art, Radio Arte, and Diverse Youth-led Broadcasting. Today’s issue is 730 words, a 5.5-minute read. Buenos dias readers, Embarking on a week-long journey through the enchanting streets of Chicago, I immersed myself in a captivating world of art that surpassed the ordinary. While […]